Need help with a class?
Introducing a new resource to provide FREE Biology, Math and English tutoring to students!
Main Campus, Bldg. M500, Rm. M510 (inside Library)
For more information:
Math Tutoring
Math Tutoring Offers:
- One-on-one consultations for learners on math questions in any discipline.
- Handouts and reference materials on common math topics.
- Teaching support for faculty.
- Test preparation for students and faculty for assessments given by the college or for certification purposes.
Math Tutoring Session:
To schedule a session at the Main Campus in Sumter, click on the “scheduling” button at the top of the page.
A typical math tutoring session lasts anywhere from 20 to 30 minutes, depending on the needs of the client.
Sessions can cover any of the following:
- Specific topics or objectives.
- Review of submitted quizzes/exams.
- Preparation for upcoming assessment.
- Using Number Sense to evaluate outcomes.
Sessions regarding Number Sense may include goals such as:
- Understanding how to use estimation.
- How to breakdown word problems.
- Identifying information that is irrelevant to the problem.
- Changing units of measure.
- Properly using formulas.
Expectations of Math Tutoring Clients:
For tutorial sessions, clients are expected to:
- Keep appointments
- Come to the session prepared, ready to participate and with specific questions
- Bring their textbook, or know how to access the e-text
- Bring their calculator and notes
- Retain responsibility for their own work
Expectations of Math Tutoring Tutors:
For tutorial sessions, tutors are expected to:
- Give clients their undivided attention.
- Provide instruction as needed.
- Provide direct feedback that addresses areas where the client should focus their future study and practice.
- Help set goals with the client on what they should expect to be upcoming.
Additionally, a tutor will never solve problems for the client, complete assessments or do a homework assignment for the client.
Science Tutoring
Science Tutoring Offers:
- One-on-one consultations for learners on science questions in any discipline.
- Handouts and reference materials on common science topics.
- Teaching support for faculty.
- Test preparation for students and faculty for assessments given by the college or for certification purposes.
Science Tutoring Session:
To schedule a session at the Main Campus in Sumter, click on the “Scheduling” button at the top of the page.
A typical science tutoring session lasts anywhere from 25 to 30 minutes, depending on the needs of the client.
Sessions can cover any of the following:
- Specific science topics or objectives.
- Help with identifying methods to study for science courses.
- Assistance with science study review sheets or other course materials.
- Preparation for upcoming science assessment.
- Provided examples to understand science topics or objectives.
Sessions regarding science topics or objectives may include goals such as:
- Understanding cellular processes.
- Help with science terminology.
- Understanding anatomy and physiology concepts.
- Determining the best methods to study for anatomy and physiology lab practicums.
- Understanding microbes and their processes.
- Understanding how to successfully write your lab report or other science reports.
Expectations of Science Tutoring Clients:
For tutorial sessions, clients are expected to:
- Keep appointments
- Come to the session prepared, ready to participate and with specific questions
- Bring their textbook, or know how to access the e-text in Connect
- Bring science course materials such as PowerPoints, Lab Study Guide, etc.
- Retain responsibility for their own work
Expectations of Science Tutoring Tutors:
For tutorial sessions, tutors are expected to:
- Give clients their undivided attention.
- Provide instruction as needed.
- Provide direct feedback that addresses areas where the client should focus their future study and practice.
- Help set goals with the client on what they should expect to be upcoming.
- Provide the client with techniques to use in the science course to study.
Additionally, a tutor will never solve problems for the client, complete assessments or do a homework assignment for the client.
Writing Tutoring
Writing Tutoring Offerings:
- In-class orientation to Writing Tutoring
- One-on-one consultations for writers on projects in any discipline
- Workshops in academic and professional writing (both in the Center and in the classroom)
- Workshops walking through the writing process, from prewriting to final revisions
- Handouts and Reference Works on Academic Writing
- Teaching support for faculty with a focus on writing pedagogy
- Collaborations with students, faculty and staff focused around writing
Writing Tutoring Session:
Writing tutoring session lasts anywhere from 20 to 60 minutes, depending on the needs of the client.
Sessions can cover any of the following:
- Academic essays
- Speeches
- Application letters
- Personal statements
- Group writing projects
Sessions regarding the writing process may include goals such as:
- Understanding the assignment
- Choosing and narrowing a topic
- Developing a thesis statement
- Generating ideas for support and development
- Organizing ideas
- Researching and documenting sources
- Drafting
- Revising and editing
- Avoiding plagiarism
- Creating multimodal presentations
- Reviewing speech presentations
Expectations of Writing Tutoring Clients:
For tutorial sessions, clients are expected to:
- Keep appointments
- Come to the session prepared, ready to participate
- Generate ideas pertaining to their own work
- Retain responsibility for their own work
Expectations for Tutors:
For tutorial sessions, tutors are expected to:
- Give clients their undivided attention
- Initiate the consultation through generative questions and lines of inquiry
- Provide instruction as needed
- Provide direct feedback that addresses clients’ intentions and concerns
- Help set goals with the client on what the next step in the writing process is
Additionally, a tutor will never write on a client’s paper, perform editing and revision tasks or offer an evaluative insight on the assignment.