
Effective immediately:
For faculty and staff:   The College will follow Directive 5.11:  LEAVE.  The use of sick leave can be found on page 9, Section III:  Sick Leave.
For Students:  The students will follow the attendance guidelines

The key faculty and staff changes:
1.  The COVID e-mail address will be discontinued
2.  You do not need to notify HR of COVID (+) test results
3.  Follow Directive 5.11

The key student changes:
1.  The COVID e-mail address will be discontinued
2.  You do not need to notify HR of COVID (+) test results
3.  Follow Student Attendance Policy / Procedure


Positive Covid-19 Patient and Close Contact Guidelines CCTC Staff/Faculty/Students

1. If you were exposed to COVID-19, you should start taking precautions.

This CDC guidance is meant to supplement—not replace—any federal, state, local, territorial, or tribal

health and safety laws, rules, and regulations.

If you have COVID-19, you can spread the virus to others. There are precautions you can take to prevent spreading it to others: isolation, masking, and avoiding contact with people who are at high risk of getting very sick. Isolation is used to separate people with confirmed or suspected COVID-19 from those without COVID-19.

These recommendations do not change based on COVID-19 Community Levels. If you have COVID-19, also see additional information on treatments that may be available to you.

2. When to Isolate

If you: Have been boosted or Completed the primary series of Pfizer within the last 6 months or regardless of vaccination status, you should isolate from others when you have COVID-19. You should also isolate if you are sick and suspect that you have COVID-19 but do not yet have test results. If your results are positive, follow the full isolation.

If your results are negative, you can end your isolation.

If you had no symptoms

• Day 0 is the day you were tested (not the day you received your positive test result)

• Day 1 is the first full day following the day you were tested.

• If you develop symptoms within 10 days of when you were tested, the clock restarts at day 0 on the day of symptom onset.

• Day 0 of isolation is the day of symptom onset, regardless of when you tested positive.

• Day 1 is the first full day your symptoms started.

3. Isolation

If you test positive for COVID-19, stay home for at least 5 days and isolate from others in your home. You are likely most infectious during these first 5 days.

• Wear a high-quality mask if you must be around others at home and in public.

• Do not go places where you are unable to wear a mask, including travel and public transportation settings.

• Stay home and separate from others as much as possible.

• Use a separate bathroom, if possible.

• Take steps to improve ventilation at home, if possible.

• Don’t share personal household items, like cups, towels, and utensils.

• Monitor your symptoms. If you have an emergency warning sign (like trouble breathing), seek emergency medical care immediately.

• Learn more about what to do if you have COVID-19.

4. Ending Isolation

If you had no symptoms

• You may end isolation after day 5.

If you had symptoms

You may end isolation after day 5 if:

• You are fever-free for 24 hours (without the use of

fever-reducing medication)

• Your symptoms are improving

If you still have fever or your other symptoms have not improved, continue to isolate until they improve.

If you had moderate illness (if you experienced shortness of breath or had difficulty breathing), or severe illness (you were hospitalized) due to COVID-19-, or you have a weakened immune system, you need to isolate through day 10.

If you had severe illness or have a weakened immune system, consult your doctor before ending isolation. Ending isolation without a viral test may not be an option for you.

If you are unsure if your symptoms are moderate or severe or if you have a weakened immune system, talk to a healthcare provider for further guidance.

Regardless of when you end isolation, avoid being around people who are more likely to get very sick from COVID-19 until at least day 11. Remember to wear a high-quality mask when indoors around others at home and in public and not go places where you are unable to wear a mask until you are able to discontinue masking (see below).

Loss of taste and smell may persist for weeks or months after recovery and need not delay the end of isolation.

5. Removing Your Mask

After you have ended isolation, when you are feeling better (no fever without the use of fever-reducing medications and symptoms improving),

• Wear your mask through day 10.


• If you have access to antigen tests, you should consider using them. With two sequential negative tests 48 hours apart, you may remove your mask sooner than day 10.

Note: If your antigen test results are positive, you may still be infectious. You should continue wearing a mask and wait at least 48 hours before taking another test. Continue taking antigen tests at least 48 hours apart until you have two sequential negative results. This may mean you need to continue wearing a mask and testing beyond day 10.

After you have ended isolation, if your COVID-19 symptoms recur or worsen, restart your isolation at day 0. Talk to a healthcare provider if you have questions about your symptoms or when to end isolation.

As noted in the Food and Drug Administration labeling for authorized over-the-counter antigen tests, negative test results

do not rule out SARS-CoV-2 infection and should not be used as the sole basis for treatment or patient management decisions, including infection control decisions.

COVID-19 Isolation vs Quarantine updated 8/15-2022.pdf


Positive Covid-19 Patient and Close Contact Guidelines CCTC Staff/Faculty/Students

1. IF you test positive (including self-tests) for COVID-19-Isolate

Everyone, regardless of vaccination status.

• Notify your Instructor or Human Resources via e-mail at covid@cctech.edu and stay home for 5 days from onset of symptoms.

• If you did not have symptoms (asymptomatic), stay home for 5 days from the date of the test.

• If you have no symptoms or your symptoms are resolving after 5 days, you can leave your house.

• Continue to wear a mask around others for 5 additional days.

2. IF you were exposed to someone with COVID-19-Quarantine

If you: Have been boosted or Completed the primary series of Pfizer within the last 6 months or completed the primary series of Moderna within the last 6 months or. Completed the primary series of J&J vaccine within the last 2 months.

• Wear a mask around others for 10 days.

• Test not required.

• If you develop symptoms, get a test and stay home.

If you: Have been boosted or Completed the primary series of Pfizer over 6 months ago and are not boosted or completed the primary series of Moderna over 6 months ago and are not boosted or Completed the primary series of J&J vaccine over 2 months ago and are not boosted or Are unvaccinated

• Stay home for 5 days. After that, continue to wear a mask around others for 5 additional days.

• If you can’t quarantine you must wear a mask for 10 days.

• Test not required.

• If you develop symptoms, get a test and stay home.

Additional testing not required at this time.

If your symptoms do not improve or resolve after 5 days, contact your Instructor or Human Resources via email at covid@cctech.edu

If you are experiencing severe symptoms, go to the nearest emergency room.


Agencies no longer need to do universal contact tracing among employees unless they are in a specific high-risk setting. DHEC is stopping universal contact tracing for the public.

The CDC now has a calculator tool for isolation and quarantine online (https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/your-health/quarantine-isolation.html) that it recommends people use for determining isolation. And if someone happens to know they are a close contact even without official contact tracing, they should follow the CDC guidance for quarantine using the tool.


Beginning today, March 7, 2022, masks will be optional in classrooms, conference rooms and other indoor spaces at the college. The college will continue to monitor local levels of COVID cases as listed on the CDC website and will revisit if necessary in the future.

Masks Optional


CCTC Student Exposure Protocol 

Student questions/concerns related to potential or verified exposures to COVID-19 should be directed to covid@cctech.edu. Privacy and confidentiality will be maintained. All necessary communications will come from covid@cctech.edu and/or HR. Instructors should refrain from initiating related communications. We will follow one of the options below, depending on your situation. Please remember that this is a constantly changing situation and in the event a case arises that does not meet one of the criteria below, it will be handled on a case-by-case basis with input from ELT if needed. 

1. Students that had CLOSE CONTACT¹ with someone who has tested positive or is presumed by a doctor to be positive (including household members) 

If you have been potentially exposed to a known carrier of COVID-19 (someone who has tested positive or is presumed by a doctor to be positive) and have been fully vaccinated2 and boosted, or completed the primary series of Pfizer or Moderna vaccine within the last 6 months, or completed the primary series of J&J vaccine within the last 2 months, then: 

• You do not need to quarantine 

• Wear a mask around others for 10 days 

• Test on day 5 after exposure 

If you develop symptoms at any time, get tested and isolate until you know the results. 

If you develop symptoms get a test and stay home. 

If you: 

Completed the primary series of Pfizer or Moderna vaccine over 6 months ago and are not boosted 


Completed the primary series of J&J over 2 months ago and are not boosted 


Are unvaccinated 

• Stay home for 5 days. After that continue to wear a mask around others for 5 additional days. 

• If you can’t quarantine you must wear a mask for 10 days. 

• Test on day 5 if possible. 

If you develop symptoms get a test and stay home 

If you live with someone who has COVID-19 and must quarantine for 5 days: 

If you: 

Have been boosted 


Completed the primary series of Pfizer or Moderna vaccine within the last 6 months 


Completed the primary series of J&J vaccine within the last 2 months 

• Wear a mask around others for 10 days. 

• Test on day 5, if possible. Updated 01/27/2022 

• Quarantine can end after day 5 if a viral test is negative And if no symptoms were reported during daily symptom monitoring. o The Viral test must be collected no sooner than Day 4, and quarantine cannot be 

discontinued earlier than completion of Day 5. 

o A mask must be worn through Day 10. 

If you develop symptoms get a test and stay home. 

If you become sick with COVID-19 symptoms during this quarantine period, you must contact covid@cctech.edu immediately so that further precautions can be taken with regard to those Students who may have had recent close contact with you. You should seek evaluation through one of the telehealth options available on the DHEC COVID-19 webpage (www.scdhec.gov/covid19) or from your healthcare provider via telephone. Let the provider evaluating you know that you have been exposed to someone with COVID-19. 

2. Student who MAY HAVE been exposed to someone who has tested positive or is presumed by a doctor to be positive 

If you: 

Have been boosted OR Completed the primary series of Pfizer or Moderna vaccine within the last 6 months OR Completed the primary series of J&J vaccine within the last 2 months 

• Wear a mask around others for 10 days. 

• Test on day 5, if possible. 

If you develop symptoms get a test and stay home. 

If you: 

Completed the primary series of Pfizer or Moderna vaccine over 6 months ago and are not boosted OR Completed the primary series of J&J over 2 months ago and are not boosted OR Are unvaccinated 

• Stay home for 5 days. After that continue to wear a mask around others for 5 additional days. 

• If you can’t quarantine you must wear a mask for 10 days. 

• Test on day 5 if possible. 

If you develop symptoms get a test and stay home 

3. Students who HAVE or MAY HAVE exposure to someone (who is not sick and has not tested positive) who has had exposure to someone who has tested positive (or is presumed by a doctor to be positive) 

If you have not had close contact¹ with someone who has tested positive (or is presumed by a doctor to be positive), you should continue to report to class as long as you do not feel sick. Follow the general precautions, including social distancing, washing your hands often, wearing a face mask while in confined public places (if unvaccinated), and avoiding close contact with sick people. If the ill person tests positive for COVID-19, you may remain on campus. 

•Students who are required to isolate or quarantine should be given an option to attend classes online or by Zoom if at all possible Updated 01/27/2022 

If a student who has classes on campus tests positive for COVID-19, CCTC will notify potentially exposed students and Students, while protecting the privacy of the student who has been infected. An adjusted version of the exposure communications prepared for Students will be utilized for the notification. 

4. Students who have had close contact with someone who is sick but not tested (or waiting on test results) for COVID-19 

If you were around someone while they had symptoms, like fever, cough, or difficulty breathing, you should continue to report to work follow the general precautions, (including social distancing, washing your hands often, wearing a face mask while in confined public places (if unvaccinated), and avoiding close contact with sick people) while they are waiting on test results. If the ill person tests positive for COVID-19 and you are fully vaccinated2, and have been fully vaccinated2 and boosted, or completed the primary series of Pfizer or Moderna vaccine within the last 6 months, or completed the primary series of J&J vaccine within the last 2 months, then: 

• You do not need to quarantine 

• Wear a mask around others for 10 days 

• Test on day 5 after exposure 

If you become sick with COVID-19 symptoms, have not been fully vaccinated2, or you have completed your primary vaccination series and are booster eligible, but haven’t gotten a booster, you are to return (or stay) home and isolate until you meet all of the following conditions: 

• Quarantine for 5 days 

• Get tested on Day 5 

• Wear a mask around others for 5 more days. 

You must contact covid@cctech.edu immediately so that further precautions can be taken with regard to those students who may have had recent close contact with you. You should seek evaluation through one of the telehealth options available on the DHEC COVID- 19 webpage (www.scdhec.gov/covid19) or from your healthcare provider via telephone. During this quarantine period, you can either use accrued leave (sick, annual, comp time, or non-scheduled faculty non-work days) or telecommute, depending on your work function. It is recommended that you contact your healthcare provider for any additional guidance. Updated 01/27/2022 

5. Students who have positive COVID test results 

If you test positive for COVID-19, with or without symptoms notify COVID@cctech.edu before reporting to campus regardless of vaccination status: 

• Stay home for 5 days. 

• If you have no symptoms or your symptoms are resolving after 5 days, you can leave your house. 

• Continue to wear a mask around others for 5 additional days. 

If you have a fever, continue to stay home until your fever resolves. 

During the quarantine period, you can use accrued leave (sick, annual, comp time, or non-scheduled faculty non-work days) or telecommute, depending on your work function. It is recommended that you contact your healthcare provider for any additional guidance. If you learn of your or the household member’s positive COVID-19 test result after you are already on campus, you are to leave campus and not return until the above criteria has been met. 

6. Students experiencing symptoms but not yet tested for COVID 

If you are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19, notify COVID@cctech.edu before reporting to campus. If you elect to get tested, you are to isolate until you receive your results. If you elect not to get tested, or if you test positive, you must stay home until you meet all of the following conditions: 

If you test positive for COVID-19, you need to isolate regardless of your vaccination status: 

• Stay home and avoid in-person contact with others for at least 5 days 

• If you have no symptoms after Day 5, you can end isolation but must wear a mask around others for 5 more days. 

If you receive a negative test result, you may return to campus when your symptoms have resolved. 

7. Restaurant Patron 

If you have eaten at a restaurant that later announces that an employee at that restaurant tested positive for COVID-19, you should continue to report to work as long as long as you do not have symptoms. 

Additional Information 

It is important to understand the difference between quarantine and isolation. A person who has been exposed, but who is not yet sick, is asked to quarantine. A person who has tested positive, or presumed by a doctor to be positive, for COVID- 19, is asked to isolate. 

Relevant DHEC guidelines for quarantine are as follows: 

• You do not need to quarantine as long as you do not develop new symptoms 

• Wear a mask around others for 10 days 

• If at any time you have symptoms, consult your health care provider Updated 01/27/2022 

• Stay home and avoid contact with others 

• Not go to work or school. 

  • o Discuss your situation with your employer or school before returning. 
  • o DHEC does not provide documentation for returning to work or school. COVID-19 guidance businesses and schools can be found at scdhec.gov/covid19. 

• Not take public transportation, taxis, or ride-shares. 

• Wear a mask and stay at least 6 feet away if you can’t avoid others. 

• Get tested for COVID-19 on Day 5 after exposure, even if you don’t feel sick. You should also or 

by using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains 60 to 95%alcohol. 

• Monitor for symptoms and practice good hygiene. 

o Watch for fever, cough, trouble breathing, or other symptoms of COVID-19. 

o Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your sleeve (not hands) when coughing 

or sneezing. 

o Clean your hands often by washing them with soap and water for at least 20 seconds 

or by using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains 60 to 95%alcohol. 

1. You should not leave the quarantine location at any time, unless there is a medical emergency or requested by your healthcare provider for testing. 

2. If you or anyone in your quarantine location requires emergency medical treatment for any conditions, you should call 911 for an ambulance. If you call 911, immediately tell the 911 operator that you are in quarantine due to COVID-19. 

3. You should avoid contact with anyone outside the home. 

4. You should avoid contact with individuals in your home as much as possible and maintain good 

personal hygiene at all times. If contacted by DHEC, follow all directions provided to you by DHEC to help prevent disease transmission. 

Please note that DHEC investigates potential COVID-19 exposures and may contact you. If so, please follow whatever additional recommendations DHEC offers. This is a rapidly evolving situation and we understand how difficult this is. We want everyone to stay healthy and safe, and we urge you to follow the DHEC guidelines listed above for the protection of yourself, your family and others. For additional information, rely on trusted sources of information such as South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) https://www.scdhec.gov or the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) https://www.cdc.gov websites. 

¹ Being within 6 feet of the other person for a period of more than 15 minutes cumulative total within a 24 hours period. In addition, close contacts include people who provide care at home to someone who is sick with COVID-19; people who had direct physical contact with the infected person (e.g. hugged or kissed them); people who shared eating and drinking utensils (forks, spoons, cups or glasses) with the sick person; and people who were sneezed or coughed on by someone with COVID-19. 

² At least 2 weeks after second dose of Pfizer or Moderna vaccines, or 2 weeks after Janssen vaccine. 


Students who have tested positive or who have been exposed to individuals who have tested positive should self-disclose to their faculty and to covid@cctech.edu to ensure the safety of their fellow students and CCTC employees to the greatest extent possible. Faculty who learn of an exposure should report it to the COVID Office as soon as possible to ensure the student is provided with appropriate guidance and support resources. 

• Coronavirus Infectious Disease 2019 (COVID-19) 

Students/attendees who have been identified as close contacts of a person infectious with COVID-19 and recommended for quarantine must be excluded from school until completing the recommended quarantine period. 

• Quarantine can end after day 5 if a viral test is negative And if no symptoms were reported during daily symptom monitoring. o The Viral test must be collected no sooner than Day 4, and quarantine cannot be 

discontinued earlier than completion of Day 5. 

  • A mask must be worn through Day 10. 

•Students who are required to isolate or quarantine should be given an option to attend classes online or by Zoom if at all possible 

If a student who has classes on campus tests positive for COVID-19, CCTC will notify potentially exposed students and employees, while protecting the privacy of the student who has been infected. An adjusted version of the exposure communications prepared for employees will be utilized for the notification. 

The COVID Office will be the primary point of contact for student questions related to potential or verified exposures to COVID-19. The COVID Office will ensure all appropriate privacy and confidentiality procedures and regulations are followed. Communications regarding exposure should not be initiated or directed by other faculty or staff. 

The College will ensure the area(s) where the infected individual conducted coursework or interacted with staff and/or faculty is cleaned and disinfected whenever it is feasible to do so. CDC Cleaning and Disinfecting Guidelines will be employed. For additional information: www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/community/organizations/cleaning- disinfection.html 

*Close contact: Being within 6 feet of the other person for a period of more than 15 minutes cumulative total within a 24 – hour period. In addition, close contacts include people who provide care at home to someone who is sick with COVID-19; people who had direct physical contact with the infected person (e.g. hugged or kissed them); people who shared eating and drinking utensils (forks, spoons, cups or glasses) with the sick person; and people who were sneezed or coughed on by someone with COVID-19. Updated 01/10/2022 

**COVID-19 Symptoms: People with COVID-19 have had a wide range of symptoms reported – ranging from mild symptoms to severe illness. Symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure to the virus. People with these symptoms may have COVID-19: 

• Fever or chills 

• Cough 

• Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing 

• Fatigue 

• Muscle or body aches 

• Headache 

• New loss of taste or smell 

• Sore throat 

• Congestion or runny nose 

• Nausea or vomiting 

• Diarrhea 

• Other symptoms are possible 


Effective Thursday, August 19, 2021, face coverings are required for everyone, regardless of vaccination status, while indoors on any CCTC campus.  Face coverings are not required outside or when individuals are in their own offices or workspaces.  This policy is subject to change at any time based on changes in transmission rates in our area and guidance from federal and state health agencies.  The college strongly encourages unvaccinated employees and students to get vaccinated as soon as possible to protect themselves and others.

We will continue to monitor the situation and will keep you informed of any changes. 


CCTC Student Exposure Protocols – Updated as of 8/11/2021

Students who have tested positive or who have been exposed to individuals who have tested positive should self-disclose to their faculty to ensure the safety of their fellow students and CCTC employees to the greatest extent possible. Faculty who learn of an exposure should report it to the Vice President for Academic Affairs as soon as possible to ensure the student is provided with appropriate guidance and support resources. 

  • If a student has tested positive , they should not return to campus until they have isolated for at least 10 days, their symptoms are better, and they have had no fever for at least 24 hours (without using fever-reducing medication during that time). 
  • If a student has had “close contact”* with someone who has tested positive:
    • If they are fully vaccinated and have not had COVID-19 symptoms**, they can continue to come to classes on campus 
    • If they are not fully vaccinated, they must quarantine at least 7 days. If a negative test is received on or after day 5 and they have no symptoms, they can return to classes on campus. Otherwise, they can return after day 10 if they have no symptoms. 
    • Students who are required to isolate or quarantine should be given an option to attend classes online or by Zoom if at all possible 

If a student who has classes on campus contracts COVID-19, CCTC will notify potentially exposed students and employees, while protecting the privacy of the student who has been infected. An adjusted version of the exposure communications prepared for employees will be utilized for the notification. 

The CCTC Division of Academic Affairs will be the primary point of contact for student questions related to potential or verified exposures to COVID-19. The Academic Affairs Division will ensure all appropriate privacy and confidentiality procedures and regulations are followed. Communications regarding exposure should not be initiated or directed by faculty or staff. 

The College will ensure the area(s) where the infected individual conducted coursework or interacted with staff and/or faculty is cleaned and disinfected whenever it is feasible to do so. CDC Cleaning and Disinfecting Guidelines will be employed. For additional information: www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/community/organizations/cleaning- disinfection.html 

*Close contact: Being within 6 feet of the other person for a period of more than 15 minutes cumulative total within a 24 hour period. In addition, close contacts include people who provide care at home to someone who is sick with COVID-19; people who had direct physical contact with the infected person (e.g. hugged or kissed them); people who shared eating and drinking utensils (forks, spoons, cups or glasses) with the sick person; and people who were sneezed or coughed on by someone with COVID-19. 

**COVID-19 Symptoms: People with COVID-19 have had a wide range of symptoms reported – ranging from mild symptoms to severe illness. Symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure to the virus. People with these symptoms may have COVID-19: 

  • Fever or chills 
  • Cough 
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing 
  • Fatigue 
  • Muscle or body aches 
  • Headache 
  • New loss of taste or smell 
  • Sore throat 
  • Congestion or runny nose 
  • Nausea or vomiting 
  • Diarrhea 
  • Other symptoms are possible 

August 12, 2021

CCTC Student Exposure Protocols

Students who have tested positive or who have been exposed to individuals who have tested positive should self-disclose to their faculty to ensure the safety of their fellow students and CCTC employees to the greatest extent possible. Faculty who learn of an exposure should report it to the Vice President of Academic Affairs and file an incident report as soon as possible to ensure the student is provided with appropriate support resources. Students who have tested positive or been exposed to individuals who tested positive should not return to campus until they have quarantined for 14 days or ‑can provide documentation of a negative COVID-19 test.

If a student who has returned to campus contracts COVID-19, CCTC will notify potentially exposed students and employees, while protecting the privacy of the student who has been infected. An adjusted version of the exposure communications prepared by ELT for employees will be utilized for the notification.

The CCTC Division of Academic Affairs will be the primary point of contact for student questions related to potential or verified exposures to COVID-19. The Academic Affairs Division will ensure all appropriate privacy and confidentiality procedures and regulations are followed. Communications regarding exposure should not be initiated or directed by faculty or staff.

The college will ensure the area(s) where the infected individual conducted coursework or interacted with staff and/or faculty should be isolated for 24 hours and then cleaned and disinfected whenever it is feasible to do so. If it is not possible to delay access to the area, the workers who perform cleaning/disinfecting should wear appropriate PPE for protection against the cleaning materials and the virus. CDC Cleaning and Disinfecting Guidelines will be employed. 

For additional information: www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/community/organizations/cleaning- disinfection.html

July 20, 2021

May 18, 2021

CCTC has updated mask requirements to remain in line with guidance issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in May 2021. The college will no longer require masks or social distancing for anyone who has been fully vaccinated, including employees, students or visitors. This change will take effect on Monday, May 24, 2021. If preferred, visitors, students and employees have the option to wear a mask if they choose, unrelated to vaccination status. As always, we will continue to monitor CDC, SCDHEC and other relevant guidance and make any adjustments necessary as we go forward.

April 6, 2021

Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF) Quarterly 3/31/21 Fund Report

Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF) Quarterly 3/31/21 Budget and Expenditure Report

January 7, 2021

Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF) Quarterly 12/31/20 Fund Report

Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF) Quarterly 12/31/20 Budget & Expenditure Report

January 6, 2021

Spring Term Start – 2021

Central Carolina Technical College will begin spring term classes in a virtual format for the first two weeks (Jan. 11-Jan 22). This will allow students to begin coursework, establish a communication link with their instructors, receive information about on-campus class return, and become familiar with important safety information.

Some programs – primarily in industrial areas, nursing and the health sciences – will begin on-campus instruction on Jan. 11, or as determined by your instructors.

Instructors will be sending emails and posting information about class meetings in D2L (Desire2Learn). Students should regularly check email and their individual classes for information. Please do not hesitate to directly contact your instructor via email or phone with questions. Your instructor is the best link to success in your course!

CCTC and other colleges are taking these initial steps as we make the transition back to campus for more in-person instruction. We are aware that each student has their own comfort level with making the return to campus, and we want everyone to make their own best decision.

We will be monitoring the COVID-19 situation daily and adjust if necessary, but we are planning for our hybrid classes to begin some in-person classroom time starting Jan. 25 for students who favor that option.

The college will have selected computer labs open and available, including the library and its services. Classrooms have been configured to allow social distancing, often-touched surfaces are cleaned frequently during the day and masks are required by everyone on our campuses.

We appreciate your patience as we have been navigating the unusual situation of these past several months and are determined to move forward to provide the educational opportunities for all our students.

December 15, 2020

Central Carolina Technical College officials are pleased to announce that  Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act funds will once again assist students in financial need.

CCTC originally awarded approximately $1.4 million in federal funds through the CARES Act to help students whose lives were disrupted by COVID-19. Many of the students   continue to face financial challenges and struggle to make ends meet.

After the initial round of grants to students, other funds were earmarked for COVID-19 related needs at the college like personal protection equipment and enhanced technology for increased online learning. The college has now released the remaining balance of funds to students who recently completed an application and met the criteria.

This emergency financial aid grant is designed to help cover expenses, such as food, housing, course materials, technology, health care and childcare.

CCTC students who applied and were eligible for the second round of CARES Act funds will receive the money through the college’s Bank Mobile payment and refund system. Students are encouraged to check their college email for more information.

December 7, 2020

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to alter the way we live, work and play, Central Carolina Technical College has developed four options for class styles for the spring 2021 semester to meet the needs of students.

Students can choose between online, Zoom, in-person or hybrid class formats.

Online and Zoom classes both require an internet connection, but instruction methods will vary. Online classes will not meet at a scheduled time, with students being responsible for completing course assignments on their own schedule. Zoom classes, however, will meet at a scheduled time where the faculty and students can interact with each other live on the Zoom platform.

In-person classes are presented in the traditional academic setting, where students report to a classroom or lab on a CCTC campus at a set time. These classes will adhere to social distancing and other CDC guidelines that have been put in place at CCTC’s campuses.

Hybrid classes are also available, which include a mixture of traditional and online versions of learning. In hybrid classes, students will be able to choose between attending the class in-person or on Zoom.

The current formats allow for modifications as we make adjustments to protect the safety and well-being of our students and employees. The college is committed to bringing back more in-person classes once the virus is no longer a threat. After classes begin, CCTC will regularly evaluate conditions if changes are necessary.

Select programs that are offering classes completely online during the spring semester include:


  • Associate Degree in Accounting
  • Accounting Specialist Certificate

Administrative Office Technology

  • Microsoft Office Applications Specialist Certificate

Computer Science 

  • Cybersecurity Certificate


  • Associate Degree in Management
  • Entrepreneurship/Small Business Certificate
  • Human Resources Specialist Certificate
  • Logistics and Supply Chain Management Certificate
  • Office Management Certificate
  • Supervision and Leadership Foundations Certificate

Environmental Engineering Technology 

  • Associate Degree in Environmental Engineering Technology
  • Associate Degree in Natural Resources Management
  • Environmental, Health and Safety Certificate

Water & Wastewater Operator 

  • Water Operator Certificate
  • Wastewater Operator Certificate

Medical Record Coding

  • Medical Record Coding Certificate
  • Inpatient Medical Coding Certificate

Regardless of the class delivery method, CCTC strongly recommends that students obtain a reliable laptop and internet connection that they can use throughout their time at Central Carolina. All CCTC campuses are equipped with free internet access and the CCTC bookstore has laptops with webcams available for purchase. The library also has desktop computers available for use.

Availability of class options are subject to change based on COVID-19 conditions. In-person classes will strictly adhere to social distancing, which will limit classroom capacities. For the most updated class availability, students are encouraged to log onto their myCCTC account and search for available classes.

Central Carolina Scholars Program

Central Carolina Technical College is adjusting the requirements for the Scholars program. Central Carolina Scholars is designed to draw students immediately out of high school onto the path of higher education, certification, apprenticeship or trade. Previously, Scholars-eligible high school students were required to enroll at CCTC immediately following their graduation to be eligible for the program.

However, many Scholars-eligible high school graduates in 2020 may have chosen not to immediately enroll at CCTC for COVID-19 reasons. Those students will now be allowed to enroll as a Scholar in the 2021 spring semester and continue to be eligible for the program.

QLess Virtual Waiting Line

Central Carolina will continue to use the QLess virtual waiting line for on campus appointments. Those looking to book an appointment must download the QLess app on their smart phone or text “main titan,” “fed titan,” or “kcc titan” for appointments on CCTC’s Main Campus, F.E. Dubose Campus or Kershaw Campus, respectively. QLess allows visitors to schedule their own appointment at a convenient time. The campus will remain open to the public in the spring.

Free and Painless COVID-19 Testing

Central Carolina, in a partnership with TourHealth, is providing a free and painless drive through COVID-19 testing site on the Main Campus in the parking lot behind the 200 building. Testing is available to the general public every Wednesday through Sunday from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Appointments are strongly recommended and can be made at tourhealth.com. In the event of inclement weather, the testing site may not be available.

Main Campus Construction Update

Renovations on the CCTC Main Campus will continue through 2021. The 400 building which houses industrial programs like welding, automotive and HVAC has received a much needed facelift on the exterior of the building. Renovations are also taking place in the 500 building. These changes include moving student services like TRIO Support Services, Student Life and Career Services all under one roof. Work should be completed on both buildings by the end January 2021. Construction on a much-needed green space area will begin in spring 2021.

“We recently completed a study that determined the greatest needs for physical improvements on the campus,” Interim President Terry Booth said. “Our hope is that we not only serve students better, we offer a more collegiate feel with a green space for events and time spent between classes.”

Spring classes are scheduled to begin January 11, 2021. College staff will be available through December 22, 2020 then will close for the holidays through January 3, 2021. Central Carolina administrators continue to do everything possible to understand and meet the needs of students as we all navigate these difficult times.

course options

October 20, 2020

Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF) Quarterly 9/30/20 Budget & Expenditure Report

October 12, 2020

Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF) Quarterly 9/30/2020 Fund Report

August 21, 2020

Click here to log in to myCCTC and take the COVID-19 Student Re-entry Training (located under the Student tab > Important Information).

August 17, 2020

Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF) Third 45-day Fund Report

July 5, 2020 
CCTC offers free mobile hot spots to qualifying students
SUMTER, SC (08/04/2020) Central Carolina Technical College announced that qualifying students across Clarendon, Kershaw, Lee and Sumter counties will have access to free mobile hot spots and monthly internet service through South Carolina’s Online Learning Initiative.

The Online Learning Initiative is a partnership with the South Carolina Office of Regulatory Staff, the State Department of Education and the Commission on Higher Education. The initiative is backed by federal funds distributed to SC in the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act (CARES).

Under the program, one mobile hot spot and internet service will be made available per qualifying student household. The monthly service will be paid through December of this year. Eligible households include those with an annual income of 250% or less of federal poverty guidelines, an individual attending CCTC in the fall and no existing internet service.

CCTC students interested in this program should visit www.cctech.edu/hotspots to fill out a Mobile Hot Spot Request form. A representative from the college’s User Support Services will contact each qualifying student with further instructions. For more information or questions regarding free mobile hot spots and monthly internet service call CCTC’s User Support Services at 803-778-6607.

July 16, 2020
Central Carolina Technical College announces multiple delivery methods for Fall Semester instruction

CCTC’s fall 2020 semester will begin, as originally scheduled, on August 24. Academic calendar dates throughout the semester, including exams, breaks and holidays, will not change.

In planning for the fall 2020 semester, CCTC has two priorities: safety and student success. We must protect the health of the campus community while giving students educational opportunities that lead to good jobs, economic mobility and personal fulfillment. Student success is, as always, our focus. A safe and healthy campus community is always a top priority as well, and the COVID-19 pandemic requires us to take extra measures to ensure that everyone remains healthy.

With the virus still very prevalent in our community, we must focus on our two priorities with equal purpose and commitment. Students who get sick cannot continue coursework or progress toward completion. Faculty who get sick cannot teach; staff who get sick cannot provide important support services our students need.

Central Carolina Technical College will offer a multitude of choices to students for preferred course format this fall. Courses will be taught online, synchronous online through Zoom and hybrid. Traditional lecture courses held in a face-to-face environment will begin as synchronous online courses until conditions allow a return to campus.

Online instruction is provided via the internet and no face-to-face instruction is required. Online courses can be completed at a time that is convenient for the student and without traveling to campus. Synchronous online is instruction delivered online but at a scheduled time through Zoom. Students don’t travel to campus but have interaction with the instructor since the class is happening live. Hybrid instruction is a blend of on campus and online instruction. A portion of these courses is accomplished on campus, in a face-to-face traditional classroom while maintaining social distancing. The remaining lecture portion is completed in the online environment at a time convenient for the student. Hybrid instruction will be used when a hands-on component such as labs and clinicals are course requirements.

Following CDC guidelines, the college has implemented many measures to prevent the spread of germs: floor markings are in place to help keep social distancing, clear safety guards have been added to service counters, mandatory face coverings on all campuses and frequent cleaning of high traffic areas.

For all CCTC students, the college strongly recommends obtaining a reliable laptop computer to be used throughout their college career and especially during this challenging time. All CCTC campuses provide free internet access for CCTC students. The CCTC bookstore has new laptops with webcams available for purchase.

CCTC is doing everything possible to ensure that students receive a high-quality education this fall and that students have a variety of choices to ensure their needs are met. CCTC continues to closely monitor public health recommendations as fall approaches. After the first day of classes on August 24, CCTC will evaluate conditions every three weeks to determine next steps.

July 14, 2020
Return to Campus Expectations and Guidelines_Flyer

July 10, 2020

Beginning Monday, July 13, 2020, Student Services will resume normal operating hours. The hours for Student Services at each campus are: 

Main Campus Student Services and Testing Center
8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m., Monday through Thursday
8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m., Friday 

Kershaw Campus Student Services
8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., Monday through Thursday
8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m., Friday 

F.E. Dubose Admissions Office
9:00 a.m. – 4:00 pm., Monday through Thursday; Closed Friday 

Lee County Site
8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m., Monday through Thursday; Closed Friday 

Shaw AFB, Base Education Office
8:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m., Monday through Wednesday
9:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m., Thursday
8:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m., Friday Students and visitors may walk-in for services or make appointments via QLess. They may also seek services by emailing or calling appropriate campuses or offices.

July 1, 2020
CCTC to offer appointments for face-to-face Enrollment Services

Beginning Monday, July 6, visitors and students will be allowed on Central Carolina Technical College’s campus for essential services, practicing social distancing guidelines, following a mandatory face covering protocol and using a virtual waiting system called QLess.

QLess QR code

In late May CCTC began safely bringing staff and faculty back on campus; opening the campus up to the public is the final phase in the college’s three phase approach. Preparations to ensure the safety of all on campus include new safety and directional signs, reconfiguration of desks, protective barriers in high-risk areas, personal protective equipment for employees and required safety training for CCTC employees and students.
Starting July 6, all student services will be available face-to-face on all campuses, including but not limited to testing, admissions, financial aid, dual enrollment, Central Carolina Scholars, TRIO, bookstore and registration assistance through the use of QLess. QLess is an online appointment platform that allows a user to make an appointment, be placed in a queue and receive notifications rather than physically waiting in line.

There are three ways to access QLess for the Main Campus: download the QLess app from the app store on a phone or mobile device, text “main titan” to 803-770-4761 or scan the provided QR code. QLess will be available for the Kershaw County Campus, the Lee County Site and the F.E. DuBose campus starting July 16. Until the system is available for the outreach locations, staff will coordinate appointments through the administrative staff at each location. For more information on QLess please contact Elizabeth White at 803-774-3376. Potential and current students can still choose to meet virtually through Zoom meetings, online chat sessions via cctech.edu or the phone. Employees will continue to practice social distancing and limit the number of students in each area according to current guidelines. Operating hours for the Main Campus and the Kershaw County Campus will continue to be 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday until further notice. Hours for the Lee County Site and F.E. DuBose Campus can be found on the college’s website. Fall 2020 registration is open now with classes scheduled to begin August 24. The delivery format of fall classes will be determined soon and announced to the public.

June 25, 2020
Student Information for Returning to Campus

  • Social distancing of 6 feet apart will be expected at all times while on campus.
  • Do not congregate in common areas such as hallways, Student Center, library, parking lots, etc.
  • Students, faculty, employees and visitors are expected to wear appropriate face masks at all times while on campus until further notice. Central Carolina Technical College will provide appropriate face masks to employees and students who do not have one.
  • Student violations of the CCTC COVID-19 guidelines will be addressed through the Code of Conduct.
  • Frequently wash hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or use hand sanitizer after coming into contact with anyone and after each class/lab is over.
  • Students should stay home:
    • If you have experienced any new or worsening flu-like symptoms such as fever, cough, or shortness of breath.
    • If you have traveled in the last 14 days or have had family members travel in an airplane or to high-risk area for transmission of COVID-19.
    • Have been in close contact with someone under evaluation for COVID-19 or with someone who has a confirmed infection of COVID-19.
  • Students who have tested positive or who have been exposed to individuals who have tested positive should self-disclose to their instructor to ensure the safety of their fellow students and CCTC employees to the greatest extent possible.
  • Points of Contact:
    • General Questions about Admissions and Financial Aid
      • Use the chat feature on the College website
      • Questions about Admissions: admissions@cctech.edu
      • Questions about Financial Aid: finaid@cctech.edu
    • Instructor/Dean
      • Concerns about face-to-face classes or labs
    • Security
      • Issues with individuals not practicing social distancing or other college guidelines
      • Areas that need to be sanitized
    • Scheduling Virtual Meetings with CCTC Staff

These safety measures are consistent with local and federal health guidelines. Maintaining a safe environment is a shared responsibility. Your adherence to this process will help reduce the spread of COVID-19 in our community. Thank you in advance for your flexibility and cooperation.

June 23, 2020
Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF) Second 75-day Fund Report

June 12, 2020
After reviewing updated guidance from the State Department of Administration and the Governor’s Office, CCTC is revising the college’s reopening plan as follows:

  • Employees currently working on campus for phase two will continue to do so.
  • All employees and students will be required to wear face coverings in all college facilities, except when in your private office, beginning on Monday, June 15, 2020.
  • No visitors or students will be allowed on campus until we enter phase three, which is tentatively scheduled for July 6, 2020.  Students in required lab classes will still be allowed on campus as authorized by Academic Affairs.
  • Employees must maintain social distancing and not congregate in offices or common areas.

June 4, 2020
CCTC brings employees back to campus in phased approach

May 19, 2020
Financial Aid appeals deadline has been extended to Friday, May 22.

May 18, 2020
The 10-week (May 26 start) and the 8-week (June 1 start) terms will begin online. We are still hoping for a possible return to campus as early as June 8, 2020. Once classes start online, instructors will inform students of the date for a transition to classes on campus. Please note, the date for on campus instruction is subject to change.

May 13, 2020
Curbside Pick-up will be available from the Central Carolina Technical College bookstore beginning May 14, 2020 in both Sumter and Kershaw County locations.
In an effort to help reduce the spread of COVID-19, the bookstore is now offering curbside pick-up for textbook sales, supplies and merchandise. Students should go to the bookstore web site at http://bookstore.cctech.edu/selecttermdeptand place their order using Pick-Up at Store as the delivery option. You will then be able to choose CCTC Main Campus or Camden Store as the pick-up location. You may use your financial aid balance, credit or debit cards as payment. Once you place your order you will receive a confirmation email thanking you for your purchase and letting you know the process for you to come to the campus and pick-up your books. When they are ready you will be sent another email letting you know your books are available for pickup and providing the directions you will need. Park in the specially marked parking spaces given in your email and call the phone number given there. We will bring the items to your car. When we come to your car you will need to show us your CCTC student ID. We will then place your books on the hood of your car.
Pick-up will be available Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Please note: you must have your student ID in order to pick up your order. NO EXCEPTIONS!

May 8, 2020
Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF) Initial 30-day Fund Report

Updated Summer Academic Calendar
Summer start dates: 5-week: May 18, full summer term: May 26 and 8-week: June 1. Courses are offered: online, hybrid and on-campus courses when allowed.

May 1, 2020
In accordance with Governor Henry McMaster’s extension of the state’s emergency declaration, all campuses of Central Carolina Technical College will remain closed until at least May 12. CCTC leadership is in consultation with state leaders as the college works on plans for when it is safe to reopen.
Students, are reminded to please check CCTC email at least once per day. This is where CCTC administration and instructors are providing real-time updates on things like financial aid, final exams and enrollment.
Similarly, faculty and staff should be checking their official CCTC email accounts each day. This is CCTC’s primary way to communicate about college operations, human resources and other updates.

April 30, 2020
CCTC adapts to changes brought on by COVID-19

Payment Options
During the college’s temporary closure, Central Carolina Technical College students are able to make payments the following ways:

  • Pay online through myCCTC by choosing the Financial Services tab and clicking on Online Payments under the My Account section (online payment fees have temporarily been suspended),
  • Pay by phone by calling (803) 778-1961 and choosing Option 0 to speak with a cashier to pay by credit card/debit card,
  • Drop payments in the library drop box at the back of Building 500. The payment must be in an envelope with your full name and college ID number, or
  • Mail payments to: Central Carolina Technical College Attn: Business Office, 506 N Guignard Drive, Sumter, SC 29150

April 29, 2020
The CCTC Bookstore is currently accepting financial aid and credit cards for purchases made through http://bookstore.cctech.edu/home.  Nursing students should contact Mark Neil at neiljm@cctech.edu to arrange pickup of books since the NUR bundles and kits cannot be shipped.
Upcoming book buyback dates are May 26 and 27 in the Student Center on Main Campus in Sumter.
Students can also sell books online at https://onlinebuyback.mbsbooks.com/index.php?jde=7755.

April 27, 2020
CCTC Distributes CARES Act Payments to Students

April 23, 2020
The withdrawal deadline for spring classes has been extended to Thursday, April 30th. Students should contact their instructor to initiate the withdrawal process.

April 13, 2020


Accuplacer placement exam through Zoom
Students needing to test, should contact an Admissions counselor and be advised of which section(s) of the Accuplacer they will need. Students can register here: https://www.cctech.edu/resources/testing-center/testing-center-registration/.
Biology Placement Test Online
The Biology Placement Test, which may be taken for placement into Biology 210, is now available online through Respondus Monitor.  All course prerequisites must be met in addition to a passing score on the placement test. A study guide is available at the following link: Biology Placement Study Guide. Your computer must have a webcam and cannot be a Chromebook, as it is not compatible with Respondus Monitor.
Computer Technology Placement Test Online
Test is now available online through Respondus Monitor. This test assesses a student’s knowledge of everyday computer software and general familiarity of computer hardware. There are 30 questions on the test and results are received immediately. Your computer must have a webcam and cannot be a Chromebook, as it is not compatible with Respondus Monitor.
Contact the Testing Coordinator at shimglynnls@cctech.edu to set up your appointment and receive instructions to take your exam.

General Questions during the College Shutdown

As the situation is continuously changing, some answers may change and will be updated as needed.
Will the semester end on time?
We expect the majority of classes to end on time. Some classes may need to be extended.
What about labs and lab classes?
These may need to be extended.
Will I have access to my advisor during this time period?
Yes. Students should email their advisors as needed. Advisors are checking email regularly.
How do I take tests such as the TEAS and other certification or industry-specific tests while the Testing Center is closed?
We do not have a plan for testing at this time, as students are not allowed on campus.
When will registration for Summer and Fall 2020 begin?
Summer and Fall registration are now open. Registration instructions are available in myCCTC for current students. Prospective students can view a registration tutorial video here.
Will all courses be online for Summer and Fall 2020?
Additional scheduling decisions will be made as more information is shared by the Governor.
Will financial aid refunds be processed as scheduled?
Yes. Loan refund processing is also on schedule.
Will Spring Commencement be held?
Spring Commencement has been rescheduled for Friday, September 25, 2020. More details to follow.
What is the deadline for the Fall Semester Nursing Program?
Deadline has been extended to June 26, 2020.

March 19, 2020: Resources Available during the College Shutdown
Enrollment Services
Admissions assistance will be available remotely; please email admissions@cctech.edu and a CCTC staff member will reply to your email within 24-48 hours. For more immediate assistance, staff will be available during normal business hours via UChat on cctech.edu.
If you are a current student, please be sure to monitor your MyCCTC email daily for updates.
CCTC Registration Tutorial Video
CCTC Financial Aid Status Video
Internet Access
Two internet providers are offering free internet access to students for 60 days. Please see the information below:
Spectrum: Call 1-844-488-8395 to enroll in the program
TruVista: Call 1-800-768-1212 for more information
If you have concerns about having the appropriate equipment for an online class, please let your instructor know.
Online Resources
LibGuides http://cctech.libguides.com
eBook Central (ProQuest) online collection http://cctech.libguides.com/ebrary
Hoopla Access eBooks, audiobooks, music and movies with your CCTC library care. Four free downloads a month!
Events and Activities
Based on recommendations from public health experts, CCTC has canceled all large-scale and non-essential college events until at least April 1.
Spring Commencement
We have not yet made a decision about the status of the event, but we will share details as soon as we can.
Please note that even if the college does not hold a traditional commencement ceremony, those who have earned sufficient credit toward their respective degrees will still graduate.

March 16, 2020: All CCTC campuses closed and events canceled until March 31. Full-time permanent employees report to assigned campus at 8:00 a.m. Wednesday, April 1.

March 15, 2020: All CCTC campuses closed to instruction and events March 16-31.
Students: Coursework will resume online no later than March 23. Check email for updates!
Employees: Report to assigned campus at 8:00 am Monday, March 16.

March 13, 2020: Kershaw County Campus will be closed to all classroom instruction from Monday, March 16 through Friday, March 27 to coincide with the governor’s closure order due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19). Students should check email daily for information on completing coursework during this time. Most classes will continue in an online format. We anticipate classes resuming on Kershaw Campus Monday, March 30th.

March 12, 2020: The health and welfare of the Central Carolina Technical College family is paramount, and we are closely monitoring and assessing the outbreak of the 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) and its potential impact on programs and other activities that our college communities are engaged in within our service area and beyond.
COVID-19 is a respiratory infection caused by the newly identified coronavirus with symptoms consisting primarily of fever, cough, and shortness of breath. Less common symptoms include sore throat, chills, muscle aches, headache, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and/or diarrhea.
We are committed to staying vigilant in assessing the situation and mitigating any potential threats in coordinating and consulting with state health officials at the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) and the Governor’s office.  We will continue to work together to the best of our ability in order to continue to teach and learn in a safe and secure environment.
In response to prior epidemics, Central Carolina Technical College has taken extensive precautionary measures and has developed plans to minimize the spreading of germs/diseases. Our Environmental Safety and Health Team is currently updating our response plan with regards to the current situation.  We continue to encourage each of our community members to take the necessary precautions and exercise good health practices.
Here are some tips to help keep you and your family healthy:

  • Wash your hands frequently for 20 seconds, using soap and water.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
  • Cover your cough or sneeze with tissue or your sleeve (not your hand).
  • Use hand sanitizer when you don’t have access to running water.
  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
  • Stay home when you are sick. Monitor yourself for fever, cough, and shortness of breath (symptoms of Coronavirus). Seek medical attention immediately if you may have been exposed.
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.
  • Avoid traveling to areas where there is a COVID-19 outbreak.

To learn more about preventive health practices or the status of COVID-19, please refer to the CDC (https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/index.html) and SC DHEC (www.scdhec.gov/covid19) websites.  To receive college updates on the impact of COVID-19 outbreak, please regularly monitor your Central Carolina Technical College email, social media, and the college website for any changes in operations.