Sumter United Ministries helps single mother going back to school with computer

Sumter United Ministries

Choices, choices, choices! It can be argued that our lives can be defined by the choices we make, from simple short-term choices like what color to paint your nails to huge, monumental, life-changing choices like who to marry and whether to have kids.

Here at Sumter United Ministries Education Assistance Ministry, we believe that the choice to pursue a higher education is definitely one of the big ones.

A post-secondary degree, be it from a college, university or certification program, tells society that not only are you qualified in your field of study, but also that you started and completed a long-term goal. A goal that you accomplished not because you had to but because you chose to. Hoping that in doing so you will improve your earning potential and in turn improve the quality of life for yourself and your children. This choice speaks volumes to someone’s character. EAM honors that choice and hopes to help in whatever way we can. Recently, EAM accepted a new student into the program. Ms. S is a single mother of two children. She has made the choice to go back to school and work toward a degree in nursing at Central Carolina Technical College.

Ms. S had been enrolled at and attending classes for a few semesters when her older-model computer died. Computers are a necessary part of modern educational pursuits, so she was in desperate need of one in working condition. After applying and being accepted into the EAM program, we were able to provide Ms. S with a late-model laptop computer that met her needs. The laptop had previously been generously donated to the ministry. She is now back on track to realize her goal and reap the rewards of her choice.

Sumter United Ministries’ Education Assistance Ministry is a program designed to provide Sumter County single parents with the resources and relationships needed to further their post-secondary degree or certification education. EAM does not provide tuition assistance. The assistance provided to students varies on a case-by-case basis and is precipitated by the needs of the individual student. Students in the EAM program could possibly receive assistance with tutoring, books, school supplies, child care, internet access, transportation, clothing and food, among other things.

All of the assistance we are able to provide the students in the EAM program is made possible by the generous donations made to the ministry by people like you. Thank you.

Heather Collins is the grant coordinator for Sumter United Ministries.

New donations as of Aug. 15: Sue and Chuck Fienning, in loving memory of Henry C. Fienning, $500; and Seeker Sunday School Class, $200.

You can read the original article on the Sumter Item website here.